Business Email

Email is today’s lifeblood of communication. Best Tech Computer Services will help setup or move your company’s email to our hosting provider that offers 24/7 U.S. based support. We assist our clients in selecting a domain name, creating user accounts and strong passwords, setting up all devices and making certain that all mail is archived in case of accidental or purposeful deletion. Best Tech will maintain your account to add and remove users, reset passwords and recover deleted email.

Email used to be a “set it and forget it” type Service, but recent changes to tighten security and reduce spoofing and spam have led to problems: emails being unable to be delivered, new accounts not being easy to setup and configure and missing messages.

Email Problems can be a factor of website reputation, security settings or abuse/spamming, If you are having emails problems, you can call your mail host and sit on hold and hope they can resolve your problem or call Best Tech Computer Service and let us resolve your problems.

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